Sometimes a concussion is immediately obvious. Symptoms like loss of consciousness, dizziness, and nausea following a blow to the head are strong indicators. In other situations, a concussion may be less obvious. Symptoms may not emerge right away, and when symptoms do show up, they may not be ones you automatically associate with having a concussion.

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury and must be taken seriously. Even a mild concussion can cause you to suffer short-term difficulties and long-term consequences. Understanding delayed concussion symptoms is a good way to ensure you get a proper diagnosis, timely medical treatment, and full personal injury compensation if you were hurt in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.
Understanding Delayed Concussion Symptoms
A concussion occurs as a result of a violent impact or severe jolt to the head or body that causes the head or neck to move rapidly (e.g., the force of a car accident; banging your head in a slip and fall accident). The sudden impact moves the brain around inside the skull, which causes damage to the brain tissues. That damage may produce immediate and obvious symptoms such as loss of consciousness, seizures, and vomiting—but not always.
Symptoms of a concussion may not appear for days or weeks after the accident, or they may be mild at first, so they go unnoticed. Over time, symptoms can get worse and begin to affect cognitive function and day-to-day life. Every concussion is different, and only a doctor can diagnose you with a concussion. Here are some of the symptoms to watch out for in the days and weeks following an accident:
Dizziness and/or balance problems
“Brain fog” (difficulty concentrating, paying attention, or remembering things)
Sensitivity to noise and/or light
Ringing in your ears
Fatigue/having no energy
Emotional changes (feeling irritable, sad, anxious, angry, etc.)
Disrupted sleep or sleeping more than usual.
If you notice any of those symptoms, they may indicate that you suffered a concussion. You should see a doctor right away, even if its been days or weeks since the accident. Delayed concussion symptoms must be properly treated to reduce the likelihood of long-term complications.
Post-concussion syndrome
Most concussion symptoms appear within the first seven to 10 days of the initial injury and gradually improve within a few months. In other cases, symptoms may worsen over time. It’s also possible for concussion symptoms to take a year or longer to resolve. Persistent concussion symptoms that last longer than expected are known as “post-concussion syndrome” and they can have a pronounced impact on a person’s daily life and mental functions. In some cases, the damage to the brain is permanent and leaves the accident victim with lasting impairment. Talk to a personal injury lawyer or long term disability lawyer about securing compensation for debilitating injuries of that type.
Risk of re-injury
A person who has a history of concussions should be extremely cautious if they notice signs of a brain injury following an accident. Even a minor concussion can lead to serious issues for a person who has a history of concussions or repeated impacts to the head. Suffering one or more concussions can also put a person at risk for long-term health complications including chronic traumatic encephalophy (“CTE”), a degenerative brain disorder that is believed to be caused by repeated head injuries.
Filing a Claim for Personal Injury Compensation
So many aspects of your life can be negatively impacted after you suffer an injury. You may need to reduce your schedule or take time off work or school to properly recover. Treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and counseling will be needed to help you recover from a traumatic brain injury. You may miss out on opportunities or activities you previously enjoyed because of your injuries.
You should not have to struggle financially or be out-of-pocket for rehabilitation costs. You deserve compensation for your pain and suffering. An Oshawa or Lindsay accident lawyer from our law firm can assist you with filing a claim so you get the compensation your damages. We will guide you through every step in the process, including securing payment of lost income and funding for treatment to promote your rehabilitation while your claim is still being processed by the insurance company or litigated in the courts.
Get Legal Advice from an Experienced Brain Injury Lawyer
Oshawa and Lindsay accident lawyers at Kelly Greenway Bruce are here to help if you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury.
At Kelly Greenway Bruce, we have lawyers who understand the complexity of personal injury cases. We can help you file a strong lawsuit and seek compensation for economic and non-economic losses.
You can rely on our lawyers to get the legal representation you deserve. Reach out to us to schedule a free case review with a brain injury lawyer in Oshawa or Lindsay.